Environmental Illness

Environmental Illness is another name for "universal" allergies. When more than a few flukes are present in the liver, they keep the liver from doing its major job: detoxifying all the food and chemicals that are taken into your body.


Different parts of the liver have different detoxifying jobs. One part detoxifies plastics and solvents, another part detoxifies perfumes and another newsprint ink, and so on. Foods have natural chemicals that need detoxification. By changing our food constantly we avoid overburdening any one of our detoxifying mechanisms. This is probably the basis for wanting differ­ent food at each meal and different meals each day. We somehow "know" when we're ready for the same food again.


Less extreme forms of allergy can be due to other flukes in the liver, such as human liver fluke (Clonorchis), or just plain clogging with numerous cholesterol crystals.


Anything that is lodged in the bile ducts obstructs the flow of bile. This causes back pressure in that part of the liver so it produces less bile.


The bile duct system is a gigantic tree with lots of intercon­necting branches. Remember how "stringy" liver can be when you buy it in the grocery store. These strings are bile ducts. When one is obstructed, others take over its job. But when a whole section of the liver gets obstructed and it can't detoxify a whole set of chemicals you dare not get those chemicals into you again.


What if you do? These chemicals go coursing all over your body! They are taken up by various organs. The brain has special protection, called the blood brain barrier. But this can get broken by parasites that burrow. Now chemicals can roam through the brain. Some attach themselves and cause an "allergic reaction". Beryllium, from "coal oil," kerosene and gasoline attaches itself to the brain easily. Then other things attach themselves to the beryllium!


The extreme form of allergies simply requires killing the sheep liver fluke and other flukes inhabiting the liver. They tend to overflow the liver and inhabit the intestine, too. In this case, you might actually see some in the bowel movement after killing them. They won't let go of you as long as they are alive.


They have two attachments to hold onto you, yet, they are not difficult to kill, even with herbs. Use the herbal parasite recipe, NEOClark, or a NEORife.


Sheep liver flukes might actually be breeding, that is, multi­plying in the liver of the hyperallergic person. This is not normal. Sheep liver flukes "should" only spend their adulthood in our bodies. When the baby stages are also found in our bodies, (instead of in minnows or snails) there is undoubtedly a specific solvent involved. Environmentally ill persons have quite a few solvents accumulated in their organ tissues. Which one enables the sheep liver fluke to go through all of its development in the human is not known yet.


Obviously, the extremely allergic person, should remove all solvents from their diet and environment. Begin with eliminating propyl alcohol and benzene. The same products have other solvents too. It is processing of foods that puts solvents into them. Go completely natural. Dairy products are free of solvents, except for some cheeses. Remember to boil them to get rid of bacteria. Salt, olive oil, butter, and honey are free of solvents. With electronic technology, you can find solvent free products. Otherwise, if it didn't grow or you didn't make it from scratch, you must assume it has solvents! Cook from scratch, make your own pasta, bread, fruit juices, beverages.


Often, but not always, persons with sheep liver fluke, have a specific allergy to lanolin, a sheep product. Since lanolin is widely used in other products, this becomes a very broad range allergy. Such persons "can get no fat" at mealtimes or wear no wool without a considerable reaction. The allergy to lanolin does not disappear the day the flukes are all dead. But cleaning the liver with several liver cleanses after killing parasites will start the recovery process.


Which comes first, the flukes or the solvents? That can't be answered. But what happens next is easily seen. The more flukes, the less able the liver is to detoxify solvents. The more solvents the better able the fluke is to multiply. A vicious cycle is set up that accelerates the illness.


Perhaps neither of these came first. Perhaps something else poisoned the liver so both solvents and flukes are given a home in your liver! Such a powerful liver poison would be a food mold: aflatoxin, cytochalasin B, sterigmatocystin, zearalenone, ochratoxin, sorghum mold, griseofulvin, citrinin, T-2 toxin, Ko­jic acid, ergot and others. Avoid food molds-see Mold Free Diet. The diet must be quite limited at first, to allow the liver time to "regain" its detoxifying capability.


Of course, it is assumed that environmentally ill persons have had their dental metal replaced by metal free composite. This includes gold. Gold accumulates in the pancreas, another organ of digestion. This may mean choosing partial dentures. Read the section on healing the jaw and Bone Strengthening to ensure this move brings you success.


The liver is a versatile organ. It can regenerate itself but it won't if food molds block regeneration. Given half a chance it will become like new. After killing parasites do the liver cleanse. If it has been a month or more since you killed para­sites, then go on a high dose parasite herb treatment the week before, or zap. Don't use the herbs the day of the cleanse. With one major allergy gone after each cleanse and by timing liver cleanses two weeks apart, it takes only six months to have a rea­sonably normal life again. You can endure indoor air again, sit on plastic chairs, read newspapers, wear cotton clothing and leather shoes without reacting. You must still be patient and careful as you take back the world for you to live in.


Delores Flores, 53, was brought by her husband to the driveway in front of the office. There she put on her mask and advanced to the outdoor bench. She did not dare to come in. Without doing any testing her condition was obvious. She must start killing liver parasites. But it seemed too simple to be believable. And she knew she'd be allergic to the parasite killing herbs (this was before the NEOClark). She decided to do nothing.


Patricia Humphry arrived wearing an industrial painters' mask. It smelled rubbery. Her winter boots smelled moldy. And a faint scent of mothballs came from somewhere. Even her car had an engine problem, spewing exhaust fumes into the driveway. I suggested she begin with some basic reading material on allergies. She did not return either.


Arlene Kelly, 50ish, could eat no fat-not the tiniest snippet. But at Thanksgiving she allowed herself a little gravy. The consequences were swollen eyelids, swollen face, swollen throat: quite a dangerous situation. After killing Ascaris and the flukes, and cleansing the liver (all in time for Christmas) she dared a little pieand got along quite well!
