Front Neck Pain

Lymph nodes under the jaw strain your body fluids of the head, removing bacteria and toxins. They are sometimes called "neck glands." If the stream of bacteria is endless such as when they are coming from a hidden tooth infection, the lymph nodes will enlarge to do a better job. They will also try to remove toxic metals, mouthwash, and toothpaste for you.


the neck lymph nodes


To see what is affecting your lymph nodes, purchase a slide of lymph nodes. Since we have lymph nodes in many locations in the body, you can't single out the neck nodes for study. So you will get to see all the toxins af­fecting lymph nodes every­where: PCBs in your underwear being removed by groin lymph nodes, lead in your intestinal lymph nodes from the water you are drinking, mercury in your neck lymph nodes from amalgam fillings. Eliminate all these. Don't rest as long as any of your glands are enlarged.


Roland Sanford, 23, had minor pain and a lot of stiffness along the sides of his neck. His arms had some numbness. He only had one metal tooth filling but his whole body was toxic with samarium, be­ryllium, indium, copper, cesium, and mercury. When it was re­placed, his neck pain and numbness got better.


Audrey Doyle had severe neck pains she attributed to sitting all day and sleeping in her wheelchair. She had to take pain killers to get to sleep at night because they were so bad. She knew eating cream and butter made it worse but she had no will power, she said. After a liver cleanse, getting "thousands" of tiny stones, she was free of it.. for one day! But it was enough to convince her and she was determined to be off pain killers.
