My Daughter Beat Leukemia

Обновена в 15:35 на 09/05/2013 г.

LeukemiaI would like to express my huge gratitude to you because you brought meaning to my life again. Some time ago, I came across your website and was fascinated by the vast amount of information you have published. Naturally, I was most impressed by section "Diseases." Every day I've read the described methods and approaches to treatment, taking genuine interest in them. I couldn't believe it may be so easy to get rid of all these diseases.

Considering the fact that my family is in delicate health, I didn't think much before ordering your appliance NEORife. Soon afterwards I purchased NEOClark. I found the first device to be more finely tuned to destroying concrete virus infections. The second one was more as means to fight parasites in general. 

When I discovered that my five year old daughter was having leukemia, I felt as if the world lived in suddenly fell apart. We tried all sorts of treatment methods, but the results were negligible. I discontinued chemotherapy because I couldn't bear the sight of my daughter suffering and slowly sinking with no progress attributable to the treatment. I've never personally believed that this primitive and aggressive to the body "treatment", called chemotherapy, is appropriate or promising. I can't believe that in 21 century people are still treated in a way that mainly tries to poison and destroy them.

Pressed by the circumstances, I started to take interest in alternative treatment methods. In this way I came across a number of articles and materials dedicated to the problem. Of course, I discovered your website as well and ordered the appliances NEORife and NEOClark

At that time, my little daughter got infected with German measles. Without hesitation, I started to treat her on my own, using your devices. All symptoms of measles disappeared in just a day. I went on with the electrotherapy encouraged.  With time, I noticed that my child became progressively more energetic, and life was slowly returning to her tender body. I took her to our personal doctor in just a month, and he could hardly keep his surprise when announcing the results.

Neither he nor his colleagues could give a meaningful explanation as to how exactly my daughter was cured from the insidious disease. However, this wasn't the most important to me - I only cared for the little face that was smiling again and the fact that she had won the hardest battle that she faced in life, though in such a young age.uld like to express my huge gratitude to you because you brought meaning to my life again. Some time ago, I came across your website and was fascinated by the vast amount of information you have published. Naturally, I was most impressed by section "Diseases." Every day I've read the described methods and approaches to treatment, taking genuine interest in them. I couldn't believe it may be so easy to get rid of all these diseases.

Considering the fact that my family is in delicate health, I didn't think much before ordering your appliance NEORife. Soon afterwards I purchased NEOClark. I found the first device to be more finely tuned to destroying concrete virus infections. The second one was more as means to fight parasites in general. 

When I discovered that my five year old daughter was having leukemia, I felt as if the world lived in suddenly fell apart. We tried all sorts of treatment methods, but the results were negligible. I discontinued chemotherapy because I couldn't bear the sight of my daughter suffering and slowly sinking with no progress attributable to the treatment. I've never personally believed that this primitive and aggressive to the body "treatment", called chemotherapy, is appropriate or promising. I can't believe that in 21 century people are still treated in a way that mainly tries to poison and destroy them.

Pressed by the circumstances, I started to take interest in alternative treatment methods. In this way I came across a number of articles and materials dedicated to the problem. Of course, I discovered your website as well and ordered the appliances NEORife and NEOClark. 

At that time, my little daughter got infected with German measles. Without hesitation, I started to treat her on my own, using your devices. All symptoms of measles disappeared in just a day. I went on with the electrotherapy encouraged.  With time, I noticed that my child became progressively more energetic, and life was slowly returning to her tender body. I took her to our personal doctor in just a month, and he could hardly keep his surprise when announcing the results.

Neither he nor his colleagues could give a meaningful explanation as to how exactly my daughter was cured from the insidious disease. However, this wasn't the most important to me - I only cared for the little face that was smiling again and the fact that she had won the hardest battle that she faced in life, though in such a young age.
