Tapeworm Stages

Our bodies harbor numerous stages of tapeworms. But not the tapeworm itself, which may belong to a dog, cow, or pigeon. Tapeworms lead complicated lives, much like insects with their caterpillars, larvae, larval molts, pupae and eventual adults. Tapeworms shed eggs with the bowel movement of the animal host. The eggs blow in the dust and reside in the earth. A vege­tarian animal nibbling vegetation near this filth, or licking dirt and dust off its coat, swallows the eggs. Humans, too, eat plenty of filth by licking their fingers. As children we all eat dirt simply by eating with unwashed hands.


The Jewish society discovered the great importance of washing hands before eating, thousands of years ago. But many of us choose to ignore truths that seem old fashioned. In our own relatively short life times we cannot see the whole picture as well as the prophets and seers of ancient cultures could. We eat plenty of dirt and along with it, the eggs of tape-worms. Dog and cat tapeworms are most prevalent, but sheep, cow, pig, and sea­gull tapeworms are also common.


There is hardly a predator species in existence that doesn't have its own char­acteristic tapeworm. Whatever animal species you live near, or once lived near, you probably swallowed some of its filth and some tape eggs. The eggs hatch in your stomach and the tiny larvae burrow into a neighboring organ without any consideration that this is your stomach wall or spleen or muscle. The larva's plan is not to grow into a long worm- that can wait. The larva must simply survive until you can be conveniently eaten! A wolf or a tiger will surely come along! In bygone days it did.


Tapeworm Stages


The larva is about ¼ inch long, surrounded by a “sac of wa¬ters,” like a tiny water balloon. Looking very closely at this sac, called a cysticercus, we see a head (scolex), complete with hooks and suckers, turned inside out, inside a bladder.

As the tiger's teeth bite down on the cysticercus, the pressure pops it out. The head is now right side out with hooks and suckers ready for action. Now it grows in the tiger!

It quickly hooks into a loop of intes¬tinal wall so it can't be swept away and begins its growth into a regular long Fig. 31 Emergedadult tapeworm. The tiger is the true or cysticercus.primary host. We were merely the sec¬ondary or intermediate host. Why does the adult tapeworm prefer the tiger instead of us? Only Mother Nature knows. But the best way to get to a carnivore is through its prey.

Tapeworm Stages


You can find these larval cysts in your organs using slides of the cysticercus stage of various common tapeworms. Search in your muscles, liver, stomach, pancreas, spleen, intestine and even brain. You will not find even little bits of them in your white blood cells. My explanation for this curious finding is that the tapeworm leaves no debris to be cleaned up by your white blood cells. Evidently your body builds a cyst wall around the larva to tightly encase it and prevent toxins and debris from entering your body. Thus your white blood cells are not alerted in any way. Of course, the larva is much too big to be devoured by tiny white blood cells anyway. Yet, it seems that if a pack of white blood cells had attacked the larva just as soon as it hatched from the egg they would have been able to devour it. Perhaps it enlarges too rapidly. Perhaps our white blood cells are preoccupied. In any case, we begin to load up on tapeworm stages from infancy and by the time we are middle aged we have dozens tucked away in our organs.


Some do die in the course of time. Perhaps their true secon­dary host is a rabbit or a mouse instead of a human. The short life span of these other hosts might mean that the life span of the cysticercus is also quite short, not 40 years! When they die, the white blood cells do clean them up and we can see them in our white blood cells at this time. It can take several weeks for the cysticercus to be completely gone by this natural method. During this time, we become ill! Numerous bacteria and viruses spring up, as if from nowhere, in our organs.


Don't be surprised if you are testing yourself during illness to find a tapeworm or two in your white blood cells! It is well worth searching for at such a time. Help your body dispatch the tapeworm stages all together with your NEOClark. A NEORife is bound to miss some. Some cysticercus varieties consist of many heads, and each head has even more heads inside it! These might have different resonant frequencies. Only killing them together has the desired effect. Remember bacteria and viruses are released by killing tapeworms, so always follow with a second zapping in 20 minutes, and a third zapping 20 minutes after that. Only then can your tapeworm-related illness disappear.


If you do nothing, your body will be kept busy killing bacte­ria and viruses as the tape cysticercus wears down and eventu­ally dies. You may not wish to identify all of them (but at least search for Adenovirus, the common cold) and just note where you are being attacked: your nose, throat, ears, lungs, bronchi. Internal organs are attacked too. It seldom takes more than three weeks, though, for your body to clean up a tape stage even without any help from a NEOClark. The attendant illness will be gone by then, too.


Watching these events in your body gives you insight into the very powerful forces at work, called immunity or body de­fense. The body "knows" a great deal more than we have sur­mised. There is yet so much to discover.


What initiated the death or dying process of the tapeworm stage in the first place? Has your body been trying all along and finally succeeded? Has the cysticercus reached the end of its life span naturally? Have its (the tapeworm's) own viruses and bac­teria gotten the upper hand and killed it? Did it accidentally ab­sorb something that killed it?


By taking a herbal combination, Rascal, you can soon find a tapeworm stage in your white blood cells where you could not find it earlier. It is now dead or dying. This proves the effec­tiveness of Rascal, even though it is slow.


Since we all eat dirt and inhale dust that is laden with dog feces or other animal excrement, we all harbor tapeworm stages, although none may be present in our white blood cells. Are they harming us? Perhaps they are living out their lives as quietly as they can in our organs, the way mice or ants try to live in our dwellings. Yet, when tapeworm stages are being killed, either spontaneously by your body or with a zapping device, we see an assortment of bacteria and viruses spread through the body, including the common cold.


Getting rid of the tapeworm stages in your organs seems a very worthwhile goal. Since each of us has been associated with dozens of animal species in our past, we probably have dozens of varieties of tapeworm stages in us. I cannot identify more than a handful due to lack of prepared slides. You can find them without identifying first, though, by listening to their emission frequencies. Their emissions are often extremely weak, possibly due to being encased in a cyst. Search between 510 KHz and 410 KHz. You may wish to "track" them for a while before killing them. You may wish to search for identical frequencies in your pet's saliva. Or you may wish to dispatch them as rapidly as possible. Use the NEOClark, not a NEORife. Remember to "mop up" after your tapeworm killing by zapping again to kill bacteria and viruses that have been released from the tapeworm.


You may be disappointed not to feel any different after rid­ding yourself of numerous tapeworms and their pathogens. Evi­dently, the tapeworm stage itself doesn't make you sick; it is simply there like a wart is there, without making you sick. Its viruses can make you sick. Depending on which virus it is, it can make you very sick or not sick at all. Different viruses invade different organs. And some of these turn into warts!
