Midabdomen Pain, Stomach Pain

The colon crosses over from your right side to the left side at the midabdomen. This is also the location for the bile duct to join your small intestine. Most midabdomen pain comes from either the colon or the bile duct connections. Kill parasites and bacteria by zapping or with the herbal recipe. Improve your digestion with diet clean up (off moldy food, boil dairy products). Sometimes the midabdomen pain stems from the stomach itself. The valves at the top and bottom of the stomach are meant to keep the food in. The valve at the top where the stomach joins the esophagus is a favorite location for bacteria.


You seldom feel them here though. This is just under your breastbone. They do their work quietly. Eventually, the tissue there is so weakened, the valve can't shut tightly and food is al­lowed to go back up the esophagus. This is called reflux and you may be told to sleep with your head elevated and to eat small meals, especially at bedtime. You may be given Reglan,TM a drug to help empty the stomach faster. Digestive enzymes will help empty the stomach, too, but may harbor molds. The real solution is to kill the bacteria in this area and keep them from reinvading it. Start by killing the Salmonellas and Campylobacters (zap them).


Midabdomen Pain, Stomach Pain


Within a day or so, however, the area can be re-invaded. Some bacteria are coming from your teeth! Some come from the liver! Often both sources are supplying bacteria to the stomach. The stomach allows a little bile to enter at the end of each meal, this is normal. But if the bile is full of live parasite stages and bacteria they may try to colo­nize the stomach, too. If there is insufficient stomach acid to kill them or if there is an accumulation of toxin in the stomach, they will get a foothold. Then they can burrow down deep to escape acid. Eventually, an ulcer can develop.
