Back Of Neck Pain

The back sides of the neck seem to be highways that run between the teeth and liver. Both contribute to pain at the back of the neck. Pulling an infected tooth or cleaning a cavitation can bring complete relief, only to return the next time a tooth is extracted. Extractions should be followed by cleaning out the cavity created so an infection can't start here. Cleaning the liver can also bring immediate relief, only to find pain and stiffness to return months later. You must cleanse many times for permanent relief.


An allergic reaction to potatoes and tomatoes can express it­self in neck pain too. When the liver can no longer detoxify the chemicals (solanine, etc.) in this food family they are free to roam the body with the circulation. Perhaps they prefer to attach themselves at a particular neck site and cause inflammation here. Perhaps an injury was already there, beforehand. Whiplash is often blamed for back-neck pain and indeed chiropractic ad­justments can bring total relief. Perhaps the trauma of whiplash first invited all of these contributors. Merely killing bacteria with a NEOClark is not long lasting. But dental cleanup plus liver cleansing is.
